This month as I share with you in these weekly writings I want to go a little deeper on my word for the year; “Be”, and offer some perspective I believe will be valuable to you and the youth in your life. Let’s dive in…
There is no one better to be you than, well, you! So, be the best you that you can each day. We, and the youth in our homes, classrooms, or spheres of influence can best do this when we pause to either identify or reaffirm our values and our why.
Having a sense of purpose and why is important and often can take some time to really wor
k though. As adults, in the lives of youth, modeling what this looks like is key. Especially as the youth get older and work their way through middle and high school. What they see and hear you doing is going to come more naturally for them.
Whether you’ve pinpointed your why/purpose and know your values or not, it’s time for you to have some honest conversations with those youth this week. Share where you’re at in the journey. Offer some first-hand versions of how you’re getting to or got to knowing your ‘why’. You don’t need a litany of questions to pepper them with, ask them to think about what makes them light up, drives them to feel passionate.
I love spending time with my clients on a really cool values exercise and asking the questions to get the wheels spinning to land on some feelings of purpose. Rewarding regardless, but when it’s a youth and you see them find that ‘win’ and begin to identify their own next steps, it’s, well it’s actually part of my why.
Go Be You this week and,
Make it a Great Day,
PS if I can help you or your youth with values or ‘why’ let’s set up a Complimentary Discovery Session (insert link: today.