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Have Consistency: Teach Others

2 Timothy 2:2 And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrusted to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

Tragedy struck the Young Life community in my hometown when our area director passed

away suddenly. A couple of weeks later a memorial service was held at Johnny Carson Theatre in Norfolk, NE. It was held there because it was the largest venue Norfolk had to offer. As my friends and I were looking around the room remembering our friend and mentor it occurred to me the impact she had not only on our lives but the lives we influence.

We counted over 20 of us who at the time was on a Young Life staff or some other ministry. There were hundreds more there that we knew had come to Christ in the 20 years of my friends' service. All of us were impacting the lives of others. This one life had discipled hundreds who were, in turn, disciplining hundreds.

At the heart of discipleship is teaching. Not only to teach but teach them so they can go on to teach others. My friend didn’t use a bigger-than-life personality. In fact, she was quite shy. But she loved! One person at a time. She would walk alongside guiding and teaching. Then she would find someone else, say hello, and do it again. Time and time again she was faithful. Her biggest secret to success, she was consistent.

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