I’ve used the word and taught the concept of Accountability since I started my career over 20 years ago. Sometimes it’s one of those “easier said than done” kind of things. When you put it in place, you begin to see what you’ve been missing without it.
Many years ago I thought it would be a good idea to make some changes in my life to have a healthier lifestyle. To get into better shape, have some better habits - eating healthier, being more active, etc. I took some steps to work towards that - but I left a big piece of the puzzle out - true accountability was missing, and although I made progress towards my goals, it wasn’t the most efficient or sustainable.

"My true accountability was missing."
About a year and a half ago I decided to put all the pieces together and go after it. First, I had to identify my ‘why’ behind this goal and desire. The simple
version was to be the healthiest version of myself I could. The funnier version, or at least the one I tell my kids is that I wanted to be healthier so I could live longer….as long as possible to be around to give my kids a hard time as long as possible. What can I say, I love my kids and want them always to know that.
What is one of your biggest goals or dreams right now? And what is your ‘why’ behind it?
After finding my true why and getting set to go after this healthier goal, I made sure there was Accountability built in. I had my wife by my side and two great coaches front and center helping me keep my why front and center as I went after this. Not to make it sound like it was all rainbows and unicorns but the short version is - I’ve lost around 60 lbs, feel better, sleep better, have more energy for those kids, and have almost an entirely new closet of clothes that fit better and so much more.
How did I get there? My Why and Accountability were the keys.
So, go back to your goal or dream and your ‘Why’ behind them. Are you ready to truly go after it - I think the true sign is that we’re willing to tell someone else and intentionally put accountability into our picture. Maybe like me, you’re looking for a healthier physical lifestyle. Or you want to improve your communication with your family or leadership at home and work. Possibly you know a youth who has goals and dreams too - but is missing the empowerment to go after them.
I’m telling you accountability will make such a significant difference you’ll be glad you put it in place. Likely hitting those goals faster and surpassing them when you do. If I can help you put your pieces together drop me a note. Let’s have a Discovery Session and get you to your next goal. Stop waiting; get going today!
Make it a Great Day, Chris