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The Power of The Subconscious on Personal Financial Freedom

I suspect we all have varying degrees of personal desires when it comes to financial freedom.

I recently led a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class and heard a variety of expectations on achieving personal financial freedom - from “I don’t know that is possible,” to “I am on track to achieving it.” And while it does involve a bit of planning, I would also suggest that you involve the powers of the subconscious mind to achieve it.

The subconscious mind is part of the connecting link between who we are and who we could become. The subconscious mind works day and night; and operates on a level that is not completely understood; and yet it transmutes one’s desires into their physical and financial equivalent. We cannot entirely control our subconscious mind, but we can hand over to it a plan or desire to work on, and convert into a more concrete financial form. The challenge is to listen and take note when messages come to us from Infinite Intelligence. For more on this, I also refer you to the previous message on autosuggestion.

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