February 1 marked the 6th anniversary of Leadership Harbor LLC. Anniversaries are a great time to reflect - remembering back to why we (Brian & I) began this business in the first place. Honestly, we saw more, before. Change was coming. We both knew our careers were shifting.
It was a cold January day when the words were delivered to me that clarified my next steps

; “You will no longer be allowed to coach and train in the churches, but we want you to step back into the communication position at your current pay.” I heard certain words more clearly than the others - “no longer allowed to coach and train” and “step back”. In that moment, I knew exactly what to say; “I guess we need to decide when my last day is then.” I told Brian after dinner that evening. 2 weeks later, I filed the paperwork with the state and Leadership Harbor was born.
I had already asked the question, “What could be?”
Running our business and growing myself and a client base until Brian could join me full time was rewarding - and the hardest work I’ve ever done. We saw possibilities. What if we put together a team of coaches to better serve our community? What if we could collaborate? What if we could have a training center where people could meet and grow?
The ideas were already rolling. Not only the idea - the actualization of the ideas. Chris Hansen jumped in after the first 2 years. He was already coaching youth - he just didn’t realize it. I asked him, “What could be for you?
I met with a client and she mentioned she had space available. I wasn’t sure we were financially in the right place. Then Brian left his corporate job. We all checked out the space and the Learning Center was formed - with the added bonus of office space for all of us! The team has grown to 7 and we collaborate and support each other.
Now I sit and ponder…
What could be in the next 6 years? I certainly don’t have the answers. I do know that we will each continue to grow and dream. What could be? Those are incredibly exciting words to me!!
What could be for you? What dreams do you have? How are you growing? If you can’t identify those dreams, maybe it’s time to try out a Thinking Partner. Coaching unlocks my potential and I am watching my dreams come to fruition. It’s never too late to start.
What will you be celebrating in 6 years?