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Even the Smallest Acts of Kindness

Go ahead, make my day! (Famous Dirty Harry quote from the 1983 film Sudden Impact)

Clint Eastwood has had an exceptional career in the film business. We often like to live our own lives through watching others—some like Dirty Harry and some like the Kardashians. My preference is the Tim Allen Last Man Standing series—probably due to raising wonderful daughters of my own.

What’s your typical day like? Some people seem to aspire to make it through the day, or is it the week, or is it the month … wow. Some people seem to go through life with the goal of just making it through. If the day is good to them, then it’s a great day. Come on! Make life more intentional! Why not “make” someone’s day? Yes, it’s a twist on the movie line, but I’ll guarantee it will “make your day,” too! Blessings, my friend!

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