“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 ESV
Theodore Roosevelt once crafted a memorable quote employing a boxing metaphor. Within it, he declares, “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,” highlighting the distinction between active participants and mere spectators on the sidelines. Those outside the arena lack investment in the outcome; they observe but do not engage. Conversely, regardless of victory or defeat, the boxer emerges from the ring transformed.
This depiction of the man in the arena embodies the law of process—a commitment to action rather than passive observation. It embodies gradual advancement, taking one step at a time and accumulating incremental changes. It emphasizes the importance of relentless practice honing skills through repetition in preparation for opportunities. It underscores the necessity of sustained effort, recognizing that growth is an ongoing journey, with each challenge providing valuable insights. Ultimately, it champions perseverance, urging individuals to endure rather than settle for temporary comfort.
Step into the ring; your life is waiting.
Go, outlive your limits!
Your Coach - Aaron Jones
P.S. Reach out to me or one of the Leadership Harbor coaches to set up a discovery coaching session or to join one of our fantastic leadership opportunities.